Practice Areas

Home Practice Areas

Corporate Managment Consultancy

Establishing corporate governance structure for our commercial and corporate clients, creating internal rules such as internal directives, policies, procedures, mentoring board members, board meetings and secretariat services, preparing standard proposals and contracts, as well as providing end-to-end legal consultancy services that a company needs to receive services from an insource legal department.


Legal Consultancy

Preparing legal opinions, providing legal trainings and providing legal consultancy services on the issues that our individual, commercial and corporate clients need in the field of private law such as civil law, law of obligations, commercial law, maritime law, insurance law, consumer law, GDPR law, labor law, intellectual and industrial property law, consumer law, banking law, capital markets law etc.


Legal Projects Consultancy

For our individual, commercial and corporate clients, preparation and execution of private law contracts such as establishment of companies with local or foreign partners, obtaining establishment and activity permits, mergers and acquisitions on the buyer or seller side, company type changes, family constitution, shareholder (partners) agreements, cooperation agreements, agency agreements, non-disclosure agreements, non-competition agreements, service agreements etc.


Legal Case Management

Representation of our individual, commercial and corporate clients in all kinds of cases related to family law, law of obligations, commercial law, consumer law, labor law and other private law areas.



Execution of enforcement proceedings for the collection of receivables of our individual, commercial and corporate customers in the field of private law, execution of court decisions and execution of other enforcement proceedings by proxy.


Management of Alternative Dispute Resolutions

Execution of our individual, commercial and corporate customers transactions in the field of private law in relation to the settlement of disputes in the field of private law by mediation, arbitration and alternative dispute resolution methods.